Father Ian Herring was an Anglo-Catholic clergyman in Victoria, Australia. At the time of his death in 1993, Rev. Herring was Vicar of Christ Church Essendon in Melbourne Australia. Fr. Ian Herring wrote the essay “The Dove and the Crow,” which appeared in the Summer-Autumn 1984 edition of Studies. At the time of publication, the essay was incorrectly attributed to Ananda K. Coomaraswamy. In the following issue (i.e. Winter-Spring 1985, vol. 17), the editors apologized for the error, and quoted from a letter sent to Studies by Father Herring: “When I opened my Studies and saw ‘The Dove and the Crow’ in print, I felt a combination of emotions. First, I was delighted that a work of mine had been considered worthy to appear in a journal with Schuon, Guénon and company. Secondly, I was flattered that somebody thought it was worthy of Coomaraswamy. In truth, I remember writing it under his spell, and may well have used his thoughts. The confusion is not surprising. It was clearly a mistake made in good faith.…”.
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